
The relationship between the Republic of Indonesia and the Federal Republic of Germany in 2012 reached a new milestone with the agreement on the German-Indonesian Joint Declaration of Cmprehensive Partnership: Shaping Globalization and Sharing Responsibility. The Joint Declaration, well known as Jakarta Dclaration, was signed by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Chancellor Angela Merkel in Jakarta on July 10, 2012. In the document, the two head leaders agree on 5+3 areas of cooperation that needed tob e develeoped, namely: Economic Cooperation (Trade and Investment), Education, Research and Technology, Health, Defense Industry, Food Security, Food ENergy, Transportation.

The relationship has been more intensified after the official visit of President Joko Widodo to Berlin on 17-18 April 2016. President Joko Widodo and Chancellor Angela Merkel have agreed again to strenghthen strategic partnership relations (stepping up strategic partnership) between the two countries through 3 (three) focus area of cooperaion, namely

  1. vocational education (technical vocational education training)
  2. renewabel energy
  3. maritime cooperation for mutual benefits and interests of the two countries.

The ancient bilateral relations and cooperation between Indonesia and Germany on Social Cultural has also continued to grow. The two countries has signed an Agreement on Cultural Cooperation in 1998. The Agreement stipulated commitment of the two cuntries to maintain positive image of Indonesia in Germany and promote Indonesian art and culture to German society.

The promotion of Indonesia culture is not only posed by Indonesian but also by individuals and institutions in Germany. Munchen Stadmuseum promotes Gamelan in Europe for approximately 30 years and more than 20.000 people from various countries participate in the Museum’s Gamelan activities. On June 17-18, 2018, in collaboration with the Indonesian Embassy in Berlin, the Museum held “the Internationales oft he Munich Gamelan Music Festival – Indonesia #Bronze Bamboo Beats“, the first and largest International Gamelan Festival in Europe. This event also crowned the City of Munich as the Gamelan City of Europe.

Efforts to preserve culture and good relations that have long been established with Germany are carried out, among others, through traditional Indonesian dance and music training activities, performances of Indonesian art and cultures, culinary promotion.