Duta Besar RI Berlin, Arif Havas Oegroseno selaku Ketua Berlin ASEAN Committee (BAC) periode Januari – Juni 2020, menyelenggarakan pertemuan antara para Duta Besar negara-negara anggota ASEAN yang tergabung dalam Berlin ASEAN Committee. Pertemuan yang berlangsung di Aula KBRI Berlin, 12/03/2020 itu menghadirkan Mr. Peter Limbourg, Director – General Deutsche Welle.
Pertemuan para Duta Besar BAC dan Chargé d’affaires Brunei Darussalam tersebut merupakan pertemuan perdana yang dilaksanakan oleh Indonesia sejak keketuaannya di BAC.
Selama pertemuan yang dikemas dalam format working luncheon ini dibahas berbagai informasi terkait isu-isu aktual dan global, termasuk diantaranya sejarah pendirian dan perkembangan Deutsche Welle sebagai salah satu kantor berita internasional publik yang terkemuka. Selain itu, isu kebijakan dalam dan luar negeri, termasuk isu-isu ekonomi, perkembangan terkini terkait Covid-19, dan kebijakan media terhadap kawasan Asia Tenggara dari perspektif visi media Jerman, juga dibahas dalam pertemuan yang berlangsung sekitar dua jam tersebut.
Selama keketuaan di BAC, Indonesia mempersiapkan beberapa pertemuan penting lainnya, dengan menghadirkan guest speaker dari berbagai kalangan, diantaranya pejabat tinggi Pemerintah Federal, pimpinan Media terkemuka di Jerman, anggota Parlemen Jerman dan kalangan usaha terkemuka.
Indonesian Ambassador to Germany, Arif Havas Oegroseno in his capacity as the Chair of the Berlin ASEAN Committee (BAC) for the period of January – June 2020, hosted on Thursday, 12/03/2020, a meeting for Ambassadors of ASEAN as members of the Berlin ASEAN Committee. Mr. Peter Limbourg, the Director – General Deutsche Welle was specially invited to the meeting that took place at the Indonesian Embassy in Berlin.
The meeting was attended by the Ambassadors of BAC and the Chargé d’affaires of Brunei Darussalam. Held in the format of working luncheon, it was an inaugural meeting during Indonesia’s six months BAC chairmanship.
The meeting discussed current global issues, including the establishment and developments of Deutsche Welle as one of the leading public international broadcaster in the world. In addition, domestic and foreign policy issues, i.e. economic, recent development of Covid-19, and the media policy towards the Southeast Asian region from the perspective of the German media were also among the topics discussed during the meeting.
During its BAC’s chairmanship, Indonesia has also arranged several other important meetings that will invite guest speakers from various circles, including high officials from the Federal Government, leading media players in Germany, members of the German Parliament, and prominent business players.